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Archive for the Category ‘Reiki Blog Hop’

Reiki & The Importance of being earnest..

PREVIOUS|MASTER|NEXT Thank you to wrangler Jay Cassels. The journey with reiki. The symbols have become more fluid as I have worked with reiki. They are more 3D or even 4D. Sometimes in a session other symbols will appear to be drawn onto the client. Horses to bring the clients ancestral… Read More

Reiki & The New Year

PREVIOUS | MASTER | NEXT Reiki & the New Year. Thank you to wrangler Karen Sealey, I have really enjoyed this subject. The New Year for me is steeped in celebration. Having a Glaswegian father made it so. We celebrated Hogmanay and each year went up there to see family and join in…. Read More

Reiki, science and medicine

Previous | Master | Next Reiki, science and medicine Thanks to wrangler Karen Sealey. A healing journey that anyone takes has many faces and contributing factors such as support from family, breathing space, other practices such as prayer, meditation, crystals, conventional medicine, counselling, walking in nature, diet etc.. Plus the… Read More

Reiki & religion

Previous|Master|Next Reiki, Spirituality & Religion Thank you to the wrangler Joy Vernon. Mainstream religion is not part of my personal make up. My background was not to be indoctrinated into a religion. It was to be my choice at a later date. The only involvement was within what was happening… Read More