Practitioner Courses

I am offering practitioner training at Cosmic Crystal in the following:


The Balance Procedure (TBP)

The Balance Procedure (TBP) is affiliated through Jenny & Alan Cox who created the procedure and who have been my teachers. There are 2 levels to the workshops. Level 1 is for the self, friends and families and gives a good grounding to the technique. Level 2 is the practitioner level which allows you to provide the technique to clients in a business setting. For level 2 certification there is a requirement for case studies and theory assessment. Both these levels can be taught within a traditional workshop setting or online to suit where you are and potential different time zones. I am flexible in my approach to this teaching with mutual agreement. There is a Trainers level which is run by Jenny & Alan Cox themselves, if in the future you would like to continue your training.

More details and the syllabus for each course can be found on their course page.

Munay Ki Initiations

These are a beautiful set of 9 initiations into the Munay Ki. DelvingĀ  into personal development of the seer andĀ  healer within, then on to connecting with the wisdom keepers. Munay is love and Ki is energy. Connect with the energy of love to transform.

Rite of the Womb

There are 10 Munay Ki initiations. The 10th is the Rite of the Womb and is commonly called the 13th as it is about honouring the 13th moon cycles which represent & teach us to honour the feminine. It connects us to our own womb and our ancestral Women lineage. This is a rite that can be initiated on its own without needing to do the other 9 initiations. It is for women, but is open to men to connect to their psychic womb, if they feel guided to.

Please contact me for more information or a booking form for any of the practitioner courses or initiations.

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