Angelic reiki

Angelic Reiki is a beautiful and powerful treatment from the highest energies direct from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Healers and other expressions of the Divine, to bring about healing & balance for those receiving the healing energy. 

Similar to other reiki sessions, Angelic Reiki is practised while the person is fully clothed in a lying or seated position. I will place my hands either on the shoulders or solar plexus area,  the Angelic energy then passes into the person receiving and flows to where it is needed in the auric field or body.

Working with Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic healers allow individuals deep seated issues and illnesses to be addressed at the root cause of the problem. It can also extend to incorporate multi dimensional healing across generations and lifetimes.

“The Angelic Kingdom is your guide to being the channels,the tools of the hand of the Divine. Part of this knowledge which we will give to you is that system which is now known as Angelic Reiki.”  Archangel Metatron through Kevin Core

Full Angelic Reiki Session

1 hour & consultation – £30

Taster Angelic Reiki Session

20 minutes & consultation – £10 (this can be added onto other treatments such as Indian head massage)

Distant Angelic Reiki Session

£30 per session

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