Hello and blessings on this full moon. This full moon falls after a bank holiday here in the UK and it has been a good weekend for me and my family as we went to a family music festival. It was a time to be relaxed, see friends, bands, listen to music, enjoy food, be outdoors and have fun. I pulled the Goddess card Uzume which is about having fun and laughter.
I pulled this card on a previous full moon meditation too, but the energies of this card this time are slightly different. It is about the the other aspect of Uzume which is drumming. Drumming is the heart beat, it is fun, but also expanding of your spirit. If you can take some time out to drum a beat, if no drum then dance a beat.
With gracious thanks for the artwork and inspiration to ‘The Goddess Oracle’ by Amy Sophia Marashinsky and Hrana Janto.
Inspiration for the mandala came from a crop circle recently formed on Buckland Down (can be seen here https://temporarytemples.co.uk/project/bucklanddown-dorset-26th-may-2018). It reminded me of a nordic rune for protection and the wheel of fortune. The full moon is in Sagittarius and the theme is generally about being your full potential and choosing where you want to put your energy. Going back into your heart space to find those answers. At the same time guarding your energies, so they are not dissipated or allow your ideas to be rubbished by anyone else. The mandala has been created with a sphere of unakite in the middle, a beautiful heart crystal that brings peace and love, but also sheds what is not required, clearing the space for love. Then 8 quartz points circle around in all the directions. the four inner points have carnelian at their ends. Carnelian is a beautiful red orangey crystals that nurtures, it gives us the energy and support we need. The other 4 points have a moonstone which represents the moon symbol in the crop circle design and brings in the energy of intuition, guidance and inner knowing. Placed at the ends of these points is aquamarine, a gentle emotional cleanser, washing away thoughts and debris we may have collected on the way. The feel of the mandala was of peace and calm and at the same time has an expanding of energy.
At this time take time out to listen to the drum of your heart, feel the beat and desire of what you want to create. In that communing allow the inspiration to flow to create your seed.
Here is the video meditation, enjoy.
Blessings Clare